Chris had the opportunity to attendĀ UTR Media’s 2017 Escape to the LakeĀ music festival and retreat in Cedar Lake, Indiana. This bonus episode of Between the Songs features an exclusive interview with Andrew Greer, the author of the new book on Rich MullinsĀ Winds of Heaven Stuff of Earth: Spiritual Conversation Inspired by the Life & Lyrics of Rich Mullins. Their talk goes in depth about how the book came together (which features numerous reflections from those who knew Mullins or were inspired by him) as well as about the Mullins tribute album Greer is going to start working on with UTR’s Dave Trout, Andrew Osenga, Andrew Peterson, and Reed Arvin (yes, you read that last one correctly!). This bonus also features Chris’ recap of Escape to the Lake, the wonderful Mullins tribute concert that took place there, and how he got to hang out with Jimmy Abegg, Ben Pearson, and The Mosleys.

You can pre-order the book (and receive some great extras) by visiting it’s official website:
Finally, Joe and Chris were able to share more about the Window Rock tribute concert that will be taking place on September 16. We would love to see you all there.
You can stream the episode below: